A company's balance sheet shows a snapshot of the company's finances at any given time: the assets, liabilities and owner's equity. The retained earnings on a balance sheet represent the profits made (or, in the case of a negative balance, the losses) by the company that are not distributed to the shareholders. The retained earnings amount fluctuates as money comes into and goes out of the business.

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Retained earnings go up when a company's income exceeds its expenses. For example, if a company brings in $1 million in income and has $900,000 in expenses one year, the retained earnings increase by $100,000. However, retained earnings decrease if the company has a net loss. In addition, retained earnings decrease for dividends paid out to shareholders. For example, if a company has $100,000 in retained earnings and pays $60,000 in dividends to the shareholders, the company's retained earnings decreases to $40,000.